Card List is back to the top when back icon linked to "Back" is touched

Hi, I’m in trouble now. My app show Card List and it move to the detail of card’s content when Card List is touched.

I add app bar and left icon linked to Back to the screen of detail of card’s content.
And problem has happened when users touched left icon.

Card List is back to the top sometimes when back icon linked to “Back” is touched!
For example, user slides card list and moves on tenth card and touches it. And my app moves to its content and touch back icon.Then the screen of card list shows user the first card sometimes!

Do you have any resolution? Please tell me.

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@tdhi Actually this has already been solved with native apps by @TORCH

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Thank you for answer.
My app is not native.My app is PWA.

Thank you for answer.
Well…This problem haven’t resolved with PWA.

Yeah for now it only works in native apps…

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