Hi! I’m using the circular progress bar where I’m using Magic text to set my min and max values. however the values are not showing up correctly.
- “2 attempt” is the total number (max)
- “2 made” is only the # made (progress)
- These are both whole numbers in the DB.
Here’s a screenshot showing the # of made vs attmpt
The problem is the circles don’t appear to be showing correct proportions. Does anyone have any advice? I’m getting the % myself that I’ve laid on top of the chart.
Just did a test and it looks like the default % text that comes with the component isn’t registering correctly? Maybe there’s a bug with Magic Text and SUM?
Does the Circle Progress Bar only work based on column COUNT?
Looking at this article: Progress Bar - Adalo Resources
OMG! so I uninstalled and reinstalled the charts and now they are working?! Does anyone know why this would happen? Is it a data sync to Adalo servers? Does it cache data perhaps? I did a hard refresh on the browser as well as looked at the PWA - all showed the lack of magic text being read. VERY frustrating!