I want to work as a freelancer using adalo but I’m facing a challenge with submitting the app to my clients. If I make the app cloneable, then my clients should subscribe to pro plan to publish their app, which mean that they have to pay $50. This way will not work with small apps and modest clients. If there is a free short-term trial for the pro plan this problem will be solved and more freelancers and companies will join adalo.
Is there any other way to deliver or submit the apps to clients?
It’s their call really. You can leave it on your own Adalo account, but then publish it to the app stores on their accounts. So they set up a Google Developer account, Apple developer account, give you access on these and you can publish for them.
If they want the app moved to their Adalo account, you can just switch the ‘team’ on app settings to their team (they will need to have an Adalo account and add you as a member).
Thanks @theadaloguy for your assestance, but I still have some concerns.
If I pulished their app from my adalo acount, and then I switched the app team into their team, then deleted the app from my adalo account, will they be able to make updates on the published app?
@anon78309838 thought I might be able to help here! Everything stated above is correct!
It looks like in your situation, you are concerned about;
Clients having to pay for the Pro Plan if they are making a smaller app.
Making sure the Client can update the app once it is transferred.
My recommendation would be to set up the Apple and Google accounts in the client name and then the App can be created on your Adalo account where you can publish it to the stores.
After, you would just write in a ticket to Support. We will transfer the App to the Client Adalo account, and make them the App owner. This will give them the 14-day free Integrations Trial if they are a first time customer, and will allow them to test everything out. Once the app is completely in their name, the Integrations Trial is complete, and they are on the Pro Plan subscription, they will be able to update the App from their own Adalo account using the developer accounts that were created in their name.