Hi @ITWill,
As for me, ~1000 records in several collections shouldn’t be a problem for Adalo, especially if you’re not going to display them all at once.
For the collection with 50K rows - I’d suggest “offloading” it to external DB from the very beginning. In my experience it is difficult to handle this amount of data in Adalo at the moment (I’m not saying it’s not possible - I’m saying you might have glitches in some unexpected places).
There are few topics reg. performance worth reading:
Performance updates - the advice by @iAppsNi is very useful.
One final note - app speed and performance doesn’t depend solely on the backend (Adalo servers), it also heavily depends on the app itself. If you try to load 10K items at one time - I guess any no-code or full-code application will not be fast to do it
Hope this helps.
Best regards, Victor.