Collection (DB) Structure setup 4 levels deep

Hi, i’m making an app to keep track of board-game scores and I’m used to relational databasese and am new no nosql.

  1. This is teh basic flow
  2. New game
  3. Choose board game
  4. Add players
  5. Add round
  6. Add score to players
  7. Add next round
  8. Add scores to players
  9. etc.
  10. Then: Game finished, pick winner

The structure idea i have now

  • Users (signup/login)
  • Boardgames
  • Games (session)
  • Add players (on Game level, each game has a number of players/users)
  • Rounds (In a game, I can add rounds during the game)
  • Scores (For every round, the players get a score)

in true nosql you can store all of it in the games collection (and do not need rounds and scores i think), but as far as i understand now, i cannot do this with Adalo. The only thing that is actually stored into that collection are the players. For the rest (rounds, scores) i need additional collections.

In the UX/UI I’d love to have only 1 level deep: Game details (after players are set).

Hit the button: add round (creates new record in rounds)
Custom list (rounds, in each list item also a list of players+scores, possibily with input-field in each row of the players+scores to enter the scores))

Two things are tricky:

  • When I add a round, should I create X number of records in “scores” so that these collections are populated. Because listing the players in each round is no problem, but its based on players-in-game, and not scores-in-round.
  • Is there a way to add the score wihtout leaving the screen or is a popup/modal inevitable

In the last step it gets complicated
When I add a new round, I don’t seem to find the right way to list all players of that game in a round, and allow the user to add a score of reach of the player in that round.

Looking forward to your suggestions.

@desmet, all good now? If not does I can see the setup and preview through a video or with some screenshots?