Connect login user to API

Hello everyone

I already connect Login API with my adalo App but when I try to use it this message appear to me (Action cannot be completed).
Also as you can see in the picture I cannot change (what do you want the form to do) to place it as “Log the User In”.
Anyone can help please?


Try changing the data collection to Users

Actually I want the Email & Password for the login comes from the API I use but I dont know how to make this done.
Is there a way to link external collection with User collection?



So your users stored in another database and you need to Signup and Login using that?

What you need is External Users. You have to create a new app to select that. On creating a app in the last step select additional options and select external users and you will go to another screen after going back and clicking on the done button and you can setup that.

Or you could try using a custom action but external users would be good for you because I guess you don’t use the Adalo Users collection!

Thank you

Hello Dilon

I did the steps you told me about, but it appeared to me that the feature you are talking about is not available unfortunately :frowning:

I would be grateful if you could tell me another way in which I can use users from external databases


Hi Wafa,

You need to enable the developer mode!

Here’s how : Enabling Developer Mode | Adalo

Thank you

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