There is no tutorial that works with supporting documentation for the most simple custom API, a contact form using send grid. I am trying to cobble something together but get Request failed with status code 401.
I am seeing the problem of there being no tutorial in all comments and past forum posts. Please we need a working detailed tutorial.
Where to get JSON code from. Where a good tutorial for sendgrid using Adalo?
I’m trying this, but the custom action window crashes/closes so often it is making this very stressful. Thank you for help, one time got pass 401 error to 400 error, then Adalo crashed the window again.
Got it working, I think if I type Bearer before ctrl+v pasting the api key it doesnt work, need to paste key, then write bearer after (or sanatize as you say) to get it to acknowledge input!
Okay I have been quite busy, but now back to continueing with this send grid, the custom API gets tested, sends me an email and saves, I put the text input boxes in to the custom API inputs using the magic tool. Load it up in preview, and guess what, you press send, the circle thing whirls for a second and then no email sends.
Open the custom API, test it again, sends email successfully… whats going on?
Check there are no line breaks in any of the text you are sending to the api. Line breaks will break it… no error code, it acts as if the call was successful.
You could also create button again. sometimes I have issue that pressing once it does not work, could be app was down temporarily.
This seemed to get the link to modal to work, but not the custom API. It does the spinny wheel animation first, like its trying to create the API call.
(well spotted, thanks for the red circle, not sure when I pasted that text there, funny)
Check there are no line breaks in any of the text you are sending to the api. Line breaks will break it… no error code, it acts as if the call was successful.
Not that I’m aware of, my input boxes are single lines. How do you create a line break then, as currently my email through send grid is a long line of text. Using dynamic templates on sendgrid site perhaps?
Okay you are actually a legend. Thank you so much for your help - it was the e-mail input, I changed it from text to e-mail type input, made sure any spaces were removed before the magic link. And wallaaa. It works.