Create a custom calendar view

Hey everyone,

Hope everyone’s having a great week so far.
I have a problem I’m struggling to solve.
I’m trying to design a similar experience than Be Real calendar. So my users have a bunch of activities and I want to populate a calendar view with those activities as such:

  • I can’t do it with the Calendar component as it does not have the necessary customization flexibility
  • I’m limited with the Custom list as Adalo, for some reasons, limited the number of columns to 4.

Any idea how I could pull that off? One example would be I’m creating an activity today, November 11 2022, my activity has a cover photo, I want to update the background of the square Nov 7 of my calendar view with the activity background occurring the same date

Thanks folks

Hi @ThomasDstg ,

Take a look at this post,

Depending on database design, we could have more columns, but it needs to be predefined first.

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