Creating Collections from a selected list

So here is my problem…
One of the functionalities I want to implement in my app consists of creating reports based on checklists.
Users are supposed to have the ability to create checklist templates which then can be used to add to these reports and be filled.

Once you create all the checklist templates you can possibly use to make these report, a separate screen gives you the option to select what checklists do you want to use to fill (n) report.

So far I haven’t been able to find a different approach to create such records from a template record other than countdowns which create all kinds of undesired results (extra records, sometimes no records at all, sometimes being created but no displayed). Yesterday alone I had a success rate of around 40% due to the slow connection and such process depending entirely on the app successfully executing timers in the assigned order (that rarely happens). Not to mention that when I want to edit this newly created records by adding comments on the assigned text property in the database I have a bug that automaticatly duplicates them.

Anybody has tried to create records from a list before?
How an app so simple can not be created in Adalo? Or am I missing some functionalities that only exist in the Pro version? I do not want to jump there until I see if I am capable of implementing such easy tasks.
I am leaving a clonable version here to see if anyone has a different approach.

Thank you everybody.

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