Creating tours with specific dates and max capacity


i want to create tours linked to specific people.

I have made a collection with tours, and then a custom list which users select. This then goes to a form where they put the date, time and how many people. The capacity for the tour is 12.

The tours are on specific dates and times. How do i put that on the form?

I then want the capacity to drop each time a booking is made for each date.


@Yongki Sorry for pestering you :confused:

Hi all,

I have managed to get this sort of up and running but am a little stuck.

I select the tour, choose the date and time (one of the issues, the date and time comes up in a weird format),
And then i enter the participants.

As you can see from the images, the capacity for the date selected comes up below the date.
And then theres text showing the total participants.

I want to minus the ‘total participants’ from the original ‘capacity’ for that date and time selected in the database.

Any ideas??

I can show the collections if needed.

Thank you

I managed to resolve the issue myself!

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