Critical requirement Offline/Phone database absent?

From my searches it appears that an offline/phone database is not supported in Adalo, am I correct? if not how do I get that working?

It also does not appear in the planned roadmap for development for Adalo.

I have paid membership to Adalo, but this had become a critical requirement for my app. In fact it is a show stopper. Can somebody answer me on whether this is there, if not - is it going to be supported in future, and when?


Same here I had to freeze one project due to this.
What is your use case ? Mine is an app for technicans working sometimes underground :slight_smile: so no network…

My staff has to record when they start and finish a task, then I calculate the duration of that task so that I can get some statistics. We are in South Africa so the problem is that sometimes the network is not good. That then influences the time of the task when there is no connectivity, which means my app is interfering with their productivity.

@zagger correct that this capability does not currently exist. It has not yet reached enough votes to make the roadmap but you can upvote it here.

If this is an immediate and critical need you’re likely better served by building on AppGyver which does currently have this capability. I’m sure they’ll add it at some point but it’s not there now. good luck

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