Custom action / components

Hello, do I need to do some custom actions or some components of pay in sudamerica?I have the apis but I don’t know how to integrate them, I need prices!

Hi @Santiago !! :wave: :wave:

Read the docs.

Thank you :blush: :blush:

Hello, thanks for the answer @dilon_perera , yes I was seeing it and trying, my client gave me the pdf of the company and there are the jasons, but the truth is I do not understand much.

@Santiago you want to integrate the API know?

What are the integrations are you using?

If you want to put it in the PAY NOW BUTTON, that will take you to the checkout, I do not use any additional integration, I do everything through ADALO only that sometimes I use sendgrid

In South America we use this api and another one … I need or make a component that is simple for me to use or learn how to do the integrations, since they will all be the same, only the client data would change

@Santiago what you want to do with integrations?

I’m using Adastacks (created by Patrick @pford ) and Integromat for integrations. And sometimes I’m using Zapier{"bvic0nwce2as0yaokdeaems41.t_2ms1pjnnnn3fgy31km9ypkpo9"%3A1}

I want the app to be able to make charges, like stripe or paypal, in many pages there is the plugin of these apis, but in adalo we have nothing, I want that when I make the shopping cart and put PAY, the payment is made online

Now go to see Adastacks, many things that we do not have in South America (in online payments), here the dollar is VERY EXPENSIVE so you must go doing with the tools that we find so that the client does not get VERY EXPENSIVE

@Santiago there is a components for stripe

Of course, I already saw it, but in ARGENTINA THERE IS NO STRIPE, the only way to make online payments is this api that everyone uses, in wordpress there is the plugin of this api called MARKET PAYMENT, I need to implement it in ADALO, but none of my applications they can generate online sales

I’m going to see the itegromat thing, but since I never did programming or these things, I should learn how to iterate it, I thought it could be done as sendgrid in the button there, call the payment api by custom action

Sorry @Santiago. :frowning_face:
I think experts or other adalo user’s will help you. I can’t help you because I also don’t know what to do.

Thank you :blush:

Thank you very much for the answers, I am looking for alternatives

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