Stripe component errors

Hello, i use Stripe component for a Year now, and in the last week or so some users have been able to pass the component without paying, this is dangerous, someone with this problem to?

I check in stripe dev and no call has made.

Same issue here, the payment is not successful and still the custom action sends the user to the next screen.

You are using payments or subscriptions? My case is with subscriptions.

In my case is Payments x.x

App.tizer via Adalo <> escreveu no dia terça, 15/06/2021 à(s) 11:18:

i checked all the logs a appears to be a API/PLUGIN problem,

The plugin makes the “GET” call but then no “POST” call i already in contact with stripe.

For your knowledge @anon78309838

Hey Afonso!

I am from Stripe Support and I am here to give you help with your problem. I can imagine the magnitude of the problem that you are going through. Just to let you know, Stripe can offer support in Portuguese. So, in case you prefer to continue the support in portuguese, just reply to this email in the preferred language.

The Stripe API is designed to be a flexible toolkit for engineers and developers to build their own custom features on top of what we provide by default. However, it looks like you might be using a third-party platform to create your payments with Stripe. If that’s the case, what features of Stripe you’re able to take advantage of, and how, will be up to what Stripe features that platform supports.

I am pretty sure that the experts in Adalo will be able to go through the problem and solve it for you. You can get in touch with them at the link below:

If you have any other questions and consultation, feel free to contact us again. Our support is available 24/7 and we’ll gladly assist you with any other queries you may have.


Please submit this through the support ticket: Submit a Support Ticket

done that, thanks Colin

Don’t know if it is directly linked but I also have a critical issue with the Stripe Component on my app:

Any idea or should I submit a ticket too?

Yes, try to illustrate that with a print screen but yes, submit a ticket

I have not yet answered by adalo, and stripe push the issue to the component.
I ALERT everyone that this issue is real and does who depend on stripe for business be aware, a lot of trasactions are NOT taking place i could lose a LOT of MONEY.

Ah crap, same here, my app is depending on this for a full launch. If this is not fixed need to move for a sort of Invoice ninja approach with a 1 day trial as a backup (To let user receive invoice, pay but already enjoy the app).

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