Custom component losing styles on TestFlight


I am trying to build my first custom component, everything seems ok on Adalo but, on TestFlight, the styles are not presents.

Also, on Adalo, the horizontal scroll doesn’t works, it’s not really important but disappointing (ScrollView with horizontal option), it works on TestFlight…

Do I miss something? Thank you for your help.

On Adalo:

On my iPhone (TestFlight):

This is not something related to Adalo,

please check if the library or the styling options that you are using are IOS supportive

Thank you for answering.

My style are very basics…

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  image: {
    height: '25px',
    width: '25px',
    marginRight: '5px',
  itemWrapper: {
    border: '1px solid #e0e0e0',
    borderRadius: '5px',
    padding: '5px',
    marginRight: '20px',
    flexDirection: 'row',
    lineHeight: '23px'
  activeItem: {
    fontWeight: 'bold'
  unactiveItem: {
    color: '#000'

These styles are not for native. they only work on web.

Please check for the styling options.

React-native is not like css or html basic styling…

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Thank you! I changed the attributes and it works!

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Glad to hear this

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