Custom Component Publishing error | Adalo Dev | Publishing Error

Hey folks,

Adalo Marketplace

  Validating package.json configuration
? Is your library public or private? public
  Building Library....

  "logo": "./example-logo.png",
  "displayName": "GoogleLikeAvathar",
  "components": [
      "name": "GoogleLikeAvathar",
      "manifest": "./src/components/Avathar/manifest.json"
  "name": "googleavatharnew",
  "version": "1.0.0"

  Oh no, something went wrong:

  - Error: Command failed: mkdir -p dist
A subdirectory or file -p already exists.
Error occurred while processing: -p.
A subdirectory or file dist already exists.
Error occurred while processing: dist.

  For assistance publishing please visit

I tried creating a custom component using react-native, and ended up with this error, while publishing. it works super fine when used in server-running mode

Hi Sonthena,

Welcome to the Community! :partying_face:

I’m guessing you’re on windows because this error is only in windows. Your going to need to install WSL.

Please read this:


Hey, i have just installed linux, and done with the deployment. But, i didn’t find it in the market place. Can i know how can i find it in the market place, or, how can i deploy it to the adalo server, to make others use it? Thanks for the quick reply tho.

Same issue even i am facing i have published the component but not able to see it in the marketplace

I am not able to see the adalo component in the marketplace after publishing

You login to your account, and lick on your profile, it’s under the development options, but… you can’t use it untill adalo approves it. But God knows when they do!

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