Custom function to return the first character of a word

Hi @Azi and @Sutter_j44 ,

Thought to share this new solution!

Here’s the script for @Azi :

var first_name = "azi";
var first_name = first_name.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
return first_name;

( fill azi from magic text )

Here’s the script for @Sutter_j44 :

var first_name = "sutter";
var first_name_in_capital = first_name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + first_name.slice(1);
var last_name = "j44";
var last_name_in_capital = last_name.charAt(0).toUpperCase()
var Name = first_name_in_capital + '\xa0' + last_name_in_capital + ".";
return Name;

(fill sutter and j44 from magic text )

Thank you

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