didn’t find on this forum my question
i have AirTable as external datsource for my Adalo project, in my project i have a screen with custom list of Guests and input component to search guests by name:
AirTable api have limit of returned records in one request = 100, in that case i write my own php script to get all data what i needs
on External Collection settings i set Endpoint Get All to my php script, and on Custom List filter set additional parametr - search
and it is work fine:
i got all data what i needs
The problem is - count of guests
on Network console i found that Adalo send 2 request when you change input value:
2nd request = reuqest to endpoint Get All with parametr search in filter on List
returned your search result ( i have 243 records with value = “Ctest” )
1st request = look like request to the same endpoint but without parametrs
returned firs 100 rows ( my php script return first 100 rows if parametr search is empty or not set )
than i changed my php script to return all data if parametr search is empty or not set , and count of Geuests = 999 ( all records )
i think that count of Guests = result of 1st request
then i trying to change External Collection setting to add param search = “Ctest” to end point Gett All
and count is 243
in setting i cound’t add this paramert via magic text = input value, or make it dynamicaly changing, only data from Logeed in User
The question is: could you please tell me more about counting of result data or maybe how i can change data for Logged in User when Input vaue is chaged, or how to get count of search result?
and how it will work in build app ?
thank you