I have been on this for a couple days going around in circles.
I have set up the subdomain on Godaddy, it has been verified on adalo yet the site still does not load. I created the app for mobile device only.
The main domain points to a Tilda website, as per their instructions, points to an ip address.
I get the following error messages on different browsers;
DNS address could not be found (samsung mobile browser)
This site can’t be reached
Check if there is a typo in app.redsearegattas.com.
I created the CNAME record in GOdaddy with app and hosting.adalo.com as per instructions.
So I don’t quite understand why do you set up the records in Godaddy (and moreover, I don’t understand how did you manage to add the subdomain to Adalo - unless you did it before name servers change).
Yes good questions. Thanks.
Yes indeed, the domain is registered on godaddy however tilda manages the dns.
I couldnt register the subdomain on tilda, they told me to register the subdomain on godaddy by changing the nameserver to add the cname/adalo record and change the nameserver back to tilda.
It might be a good idea to ask Tilda then. I don’t know how this process works on Tilda - but in order for the subdomain to work, Tilda nameservers must contain this record. If they do a transfer of all records to their servers from the previous nameserver - you need to make sure that they transfer new CNAME record as well.
I believe you need to contact Tilda’s support.
In order for the Adalo project to work correctly, CNAME record pointing to hosting.adalo.com must exist.
The domain redsearegattas.com has the following name servers:
This means that the CNAME record for app.redsearegattas.com, pointing to hosting.adalo.com, must exist on these nameservers in order for the subdomain to work correctly.
You need to ask Tilda to add this CNAME record to their nameservers, configuration for your domain. Adalo can do nothing about it.
An alternative could be to move your domain from Tilda nameservers to other nameservers. I don’t quite understand why did you moved away from GoDaddy and unfortunately I don’t know how to move it back - it is the responsibility of Tilda support to help you with such questions.
Then you will need to setup the main domain to point to Tilda (and Tilda must help you with this) and subdomain to point to Adalo.
NB: Just in case: Adalo Forum is not an official support channel for Adalo.