Database Options for List not showing up

I’m building a website where people can list their properties for sale.

I have the location/google input set up.

I then have a zapier automation that splits up the CSV info into 4 different columns. Street Address, City, State, and Zip code. Whenever I try a custom form and use the magic text it only shows Columbus with numbers.

I have tried a simple list that will pull the info but only for the title and subtitle.

I try adding extra text fields to make it into a custom list since I want the 4 options to show up on the list but I can’t seem to get it to work. Anyone have any idea?

I appreciate any help I can get :100:

Sorry I don’t quite follow. Can you share some screenshots or a

Are you importing a CSV of properties?

Worth mentioning but I don’t think this is your issue…in some addresses not all fields are used

Hey Rozza thanks for replying.
Ok so I have a form where people upload the property information into a datate base (there’s a relationship with the users) I’m trying to make the information show up in a list, however it’s only showing the columns that have numbers. The only list I can make it work on is the simple list, but I want it to show more information since the simple list only has title and subtitle which I can use the city & state for example, but I want all 4 to show up (city, state, street, Zip)

I have made test records in the database thinking maybe I needed a record for the option to show up like a drop down menu but that hasn’t helped either

Also no I’m not importing the CSV. On the property input form I have the users use the Google location input so the real estate property address shows up perfectly. However I can seem to build a list which shows the address from that input. So I thought maybe I needed to use the text Input to make the magic text work. So I set up a zapier automation which takes the geolocation information and splits it up into the different columns (city, street, zip, state)

OK clear.

  1. Problem is you are not referencing list data and you are not on a screen with ‘Available data’.
    Here I have a list of rides

With your magic text outside a list you can only reference counts / sums etc…

  1. You can reference those subfields of the location without Zapier

Logged in user will only show their data right though? I’m trying to create a market place so I want it to show the other users data