Need some urgent help on this. I have a collection which have a column of “date and time” type. On the screen where I create a record for this collection, this column is not updating. steps
Go to the screen where we have a form
Click on the date and time picker for the property
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, the team is looking into it. In the meantime the selected value is being saved in the database and will display correctly, but the placeholder value is not being shown to the user. Will update as soon as it is fixed.
In my case the selected date is NOT being recorded, just the selected time. Today’s date is what is being recorded instead.
Thanks you hope you can figure this out, as @tuachotu if you need a video or something else let me know.
I’m having a date and time picker issue as well. I select a date and time of 8:00am, but when I view the displayed date and time within the app, I see the correct date and 2:00am. I checked my timezone setting for Mountain Daylight Time is correct on my pc, so I’m not sure what is off.
Any ideas what might be the culprit beyond what’s been shared here already?
@ashley do we have an update on this? I am still getting the wrong information input in the database. I’m in México City. What I select displays correctly, but I get the recorded time 5 hours earlier than selected.
@jsteb@ppvaldes For my understanding: Date&Time values are always stored in Adalo’s database with Zulu time, meaning no or zero time zone offset (UTC+0), but displayed according to your time zone settings.
If you select a time with the Date&Time Picker your timezone settings will be applied, before saving Zulu time: If you are in Cairo timezoneUTC +2 and save 16:00, then 16:00 -2 = 14:00 should be saved to the database.