Deck swiper resizing bug on web

At first I’d like to state that the deck swiper component is great for letting users filter through data quickly. However I’m having an issue when it comes to using the component for web.

The component keeps resizing, creating a giantic non-usable swiper. Hope this can be fixed or if there’s a workaround.


Hi @Krulletom,

This is a custom component, made by @yelkhayami - may be he could give an advice :slight_smile:

hey @Krulletom, the deck swiper wasn’t really built with web in mind. Because of how the swipe calculation works (right now) it needs to take up the entire width of the screen. I am aware of this issue. I might have some time during the weekend to look for a solution but I won’t make any promises (yet).




I understand, it would be great if you have the time, looking forward to it ;)!

Hey @Krulletom

I just published a new version where you can change the background color of the card, as well as resize it both in the width/height. It’ll take a little while (maybe a week or two) for the adalo team to review it and make sure it’s all good.

This is roughly the default size of the cards on desktop now.

If this thread gets locked, feel free to reach out on twitter @minimumssstudio


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Hi @yelkhayami

Sounds great, many thanks for your quick response and help. I will keep an eye on the development and wish you all the best in creating more awesome components!

Cheers and thanks again!

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