Design problems ,can't make an update

Hello dilon, please help me have a look on my app build, it’s almost 4am in my country, I didn’t have night sleep, trying to figure out what’s wrong with my chat button on the screen below

while trying to figure it out, I’ve checked the database, it was showing only one user instead of 2 users on the conversation record, so I deleted your MEMBEr property, put in a new one and did a many to Many relationship, still didn’t work out… I messed things up a bit in that CONVERSATION collection in the database while trying to find solutions

Please help me have a look, I couldn’t publish my app as I didn’t find solution and my monthly pay is running out, please help me check it out

Check again!

For some products the User property is empty! Add users for that products and try again!

How do I solve it, so that the user property is always fixed automatically, because in the practical use of the app, I should not be the one filling it up, it has to work automatically, please just help me check it out

Yeah so once the user added a product through the app it should add logged in user!

Yeah, exactly, because another user can view your product and wants more info or want to negotiate, if the chat box doesn't work, it's a loss........ I've not been able to solve it through out last night.... Just check it out for me please and see if a solution can be gotten 

Yeah, exactly, because another user can view your product and want more info or want to negotiate, it’s a big loss if the chat box doesn’t permit it… I tried through out last night, it didn’t work out, just help me check it out and see if a solution can be found please

Now all should work!

I just checked the preview, it’s showing the same thing

The preview page is… Please you can just create an account and see what I’m saying

What product are you viewing? You didn’t added users for the other products as I mentioned. I just added and try again.

Bro, it hasn’t still worked out, you think it might be an issue from the database relationships ???

Is it possible share a video of what you do? Or is it possible to tell me what product are you viewing?

All, the products, it’s not possible to chat from that page, it’s showing ACTION CANNOT BE COMPLETED, I think you have access to my project… The problem is that from the MY PRODUCT screen, the chat icons is not linking to the associated chat screen

They idea from this screen is that, when a user posts a product, another user can have a chat with them to get more information, but it’s showing ACTION CANNOT BE COMPLETED… So I’m suspecting it may be from the Database relationships on CONVERSATION, or the logic on the buttons are wrong somewhere, I’ve not been able to figure it out… I shouldnt be the one putting things, it has to do it automatically, that’s what I mean

Sorry Dude! I did something wrong and I just updated the app and check again! It should be fixed now!

Basically the blue chat icons are not working as expected from that screen

A huge sigh of relief… I can’t even believe someone like you, amazing person and you’re so patient, love to help, I hope we meet someday bro… Thank you

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These are the 3 screens, what I want to achieve is to use the FIND icon and on the connect page get a list that satisfy the searches, , but I want it to work in a way that when a user clicks on the list on the connect page, it takes them to chat the the particular user

Check again.