Editing date of birth on the user end

Hiya guys, quick one in my app the user has the ability to enter their D.O.B. through the Date Picker, but when the user goes to edit how would we go about this? The Date picker doesn’t have the option through magic text to show the previously entered date. How are you guys approaching this? Separate Modal?

thx for any help


Unfortunately date picker cannot get a default date through magic text. That’s something i recommend you ask for on ideas.adalo.com @CH_Team

in the mean time, how do we approach that? For example place a text and using magic text select logged in user > D.O.B, then click on it and choose date format, add an icon next to it for example the edit icon, and when pressed a modal opens to select new date.

Use the “form” component with only the date of birth field.

Perfect guys, I actually did a bit of both… This is good to know.

Thx much!

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Nice workaround! To me it’s infuriating, they have the code 95% there, just change the standalone Date Picker component already!

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