I cannot add users to my database.
Hi @iks,
Could you add some more information? Maybe a video of your setup and issue with the preview?
Thank you
Hi @iks
Based on my experience the error message you receive could be due to 2 reasons:
- You are using a signup form with email defined as “automatic” field (filled automatically with some fixed value)
- You’re using a signup form with always empty email field and creating a user with just a few other parameters.
In both cases, you’d better specify for the email field something that varies from user to user, i.e. using a custom formula with fixed prefix and suffix, and a variable part (for instance, the users count+1)
This will guarantee that each new signup operation have a different value and thus should prevent this error to happen.
Hope it helps
Are you on a free plan and if it is does your records limit is reached? Could you share some screenshots of your users table and form?
Is there any field of the signup form that you skipped ?
I noticed during the development of my app that this error can be shown even in case there is any other field left empty (meaning two records will have the same value on that field)…
Worth checking
I’m on the free plan. 20% of free record used. I have only one record on the user table and I’m filling all the fields with different informations than the existing user.
What about the “username” field?
Could you share a screenshot of the fields section and the submit section in the form? I see that in the screenshot the email field is a custom one and not a filed from the built in form.
You should, to avoid having 2 records with equal fields. As I suggested, you can define it as “automatic” field in your form and fill it with some variable data - in my form, for example I use a custom formula: test_(users_count+1)
Let us know if it solves your issue
I see that in the screenshot the email field is a custom one and not a filed from the built in form.
Are you using another input for the email?
I will do, it will save me futur pb, but since I have only one user in the database, I’m doubting this is the issue.
I have took the form in the prebuilt ones and I didn’t change the email field. Maybe I can delete it and redo it.
Maybe it is because I have not set the for as the welcome form? Since I would like the user to see a preview of the app before…
@iks remove the notification permission action and try again!
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