I’ve searched for a bit and couldn’t find this. So if it’s already been answered, please let me know!
I am trying to create a secret journaling app. Is there a way to sign up and login just email only. No password or username?
I’m creating an app that’s just a proof of concept/MVP. And I want to minimize as much friction as possible. This is to maintain anonymous while the session data saved.
Is this possible to do? If so, how can I do that?
I found one forum entry by josh_hsu, he said he figured it out. He just had to type in default passwords and usernames as default in the automatic fields. Looks like it can be done but I think I need more instructions.
What I did is hide the password field and automatically filled it with something so that anyone can log in easily, without having to choose a password.
Thing is though, they don’t know the password, you do! It works for testing, but not in production I guess.
On the signup screen
Place a form that signs up a new user. Only display the email field. Put the password parameter in the set automatically section with a number or a string or something. For this example, I put the password as 1234.
On the login screen
Place a text input and call it “Email input”. Place a button below the input. Set the button’s action to log the user in. Email, set it to the Email Input and password, set it automatically to 1234. (or you can use a form here too, same thing)