"Equals to" custom filter does not work with magic number


I have set a list to display elements of the collection which ID matches the highest value but it seems that the custom filter “equals to” does not work with magic numbers as my list does not appear.

If I type the number manually on the filter it does work.

I have also checked through text display that the values were matching.

Example case:

  • Say you have a Library and Book collection
  • I’m on a library and I want to display that library’s last book
  • I set a number property on the book which is set to be the library’s book count
  • I am using the list with custom filter to get the library’s books, with the custom filter setting to be the library’s book which ID equals to the lbrary’s book maximum ID.

What I want is to display the last element of the collection.

Do you guys have an idea of why it is not working? Or would have a suggestion to display the last element differently?


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Hi @alaonn ,

I made cloneable app to get last book id in app setting

If you want to use for specific user, move the id into user’s collection and change the OK button to be user’s collection with filter logged in user.

Hopefully this suits you.

Thanks for your help !

It does display the book’s ID but how can you only display the last element in the list ? The goal is to only display the last element and not retrieve the rest.

Have a nice day.

Hi @alaonn ,

I have revised the cloneable app, you may check again.

If you only need just id, you can get directly in app setting, no need to use interim screen to process.


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