Error logs ios testflght

Can anyone identify the error? I don’t know what could be happening.

You should open a ticket. The support team is more likely to resolve this issue for you. I opened one when this happened with me and it had to do with changing the name of the app between Adalo and Apple.

Thanks for sharing your experience. I sent a Ticket to Adalo. I’m waiting.

So far I have not received a response from them. I have a doubt, did you manage to keep the same name?

Uploading: Captura de Tela 2022-02-21 às 20.17.20.png…

If there is anyone from the Adalo team please help me. I need to submit this app to the Apple store. I realized it’s a backend issue.

I still haven’t. Waiting for Adalo….

I sent a message to Adalo. I still haven’t gotten a response. I have my App stopped, the client is waiting and I can’t do anything. Adalo so far hasn’t given me back.

We have our project at a standstill, unable to conclude due to lack of feedback from the Adalo team. We’ve already sent a message and we don’t have a more or less prediction of when we will have this resolved. Does anyone who has been through this know if we need Adalo or is it something we can do?

Captura de Tela 2022-02-23 às 16.23.26

Adalo support answered me and they are analyzing the case. Hoping that everything can go well. :smiley:

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