Error running preview

What’s going on with Adalo, I can’t run preview with my pwa, just keep showing missing components, any solutions???

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Still showing this image for the last couple of hours

Hi @Presh,

That’s unfortunate :frowning:
I’ve sent a note in the internal Slack channel. Hope that developers fix that soon. You can also submit a ticket from your side.


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Same issue here @Victor :frowning_face: - always on Demo days :upside_down_face:

Editor and previewer are currently facing issues.

Adalo team has been reported.

Yep PWA = :boom:
I had been free of issues until 5 mins ago.
Native still running OK.

We are aware of this issue, and it is currently being worked on by our development team to get this resolved as soon as possible.

I will be sure to notify you of any changes in the status of this bug moving forward.

Hello Guys,

To track this issue easily let’s keep a one topic for this and then it’s easy to update everyone when it’s fixed!

Keep on eye here! : App is down — I need really (!) urgent help please - #8 by Adalo_CXTeam

Thank you