External Server

Hi All

I have built an app for my organization which is a corporate/global organization, so a ton of security protocols.
They require the app to run only of the external server, with no data stored in app relating to the transactions within the app.

I am 99% sure that they will be using Azure, so my question is, can an Adalo app connect to an external server/DB (Azure or similar) and how do I go about doing this.

Thank you very much for your assistance with this!!! :slight_smile:

Hello, yes you can connect your app to an external database. You can discover more about this topic here: External Collections

Thank you!

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I disagree with Ali.
Whilst you can have external collections, all data still goes via Adalo servers.

If this is acceptable and safe enough for your business, only you can say. I canโ€™t see many true Enterprise level companies opting for this.

Iโ€™m a big fan of Xano and they have certification backing their security, but when you add in Adalo as your front end, you have to consider the weakest link - which does not have the same certs.

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Addition to what @Rozza mentioned, Users canโ€™t be authenticated on your server

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