Most Accepted Solution
Solutions are only accepted in the Get Help category. To mark a solution, click the more options icon (…) and then select the solved button.
You are not able to mark your own responses as a solution. The only people that can mark solutions are the creator of the post, community leaders, and staff.
Please refrain from direct messaging the creator of the post, community leaders, or staff members to get them to mark a solution. If the creator of the post has acknowledged that your response solved their problem, but they have not marked it as a solution, you may DM @jessehaywood with a link to the post and brief description.
The most accepted solutions at the end of the month will win 1 free month of Pro.
At the end of the month, I will announce the winner and DM them with next steps.
Most Likes Received
Likes are received in any category. To give a like, click the heart icon at the bottom of the post/comment.
The most likes received at the end of the month will win 1 free month of Pro.
At the end of the month, I will announce the winner and DM them with next steps.
I will bump this post periodically with the leaderboard.
Good luck and happy making!