In my social networking app, I need a way for users to block other users & their posts (in a list of all posts).
I’ve seen several topics on following Appstore rules for User Generated Content, e.g., filtering the list of users to exclude blocked users. Tried a similar approach but to no avail.
So you need a couple of relationships between users.
For example ‘myblocklist’ relationship and ‘blockedby’
Filter the list something like this:
Post > Post creator > MyBlockList > does not include > logged in user.
Post > Post creator > BlockedBy > does not include > logged in user
It’s a bit of a fiddle. As app makers, we do need to distinguish between who is the blocked user and who is the blocker though, as people’s functionality will vary.
I do it exactly as I described here, I don’t know a shortcut at the moment, but I’d also be interested to hear if other makers have found a better solution.
It isn’t quite mutual blocking, it’s more that if you block someone, you shouldn’t be able to see their stuff either (that seems a bit unfair for the users).
That’s why I implement both relationships, because in my apps I don’t want users to block someone yet still be able to see all of their stuff.