In your user’s collection, create a true/false property called “Blocked?”
Blocking Users By Actions
If Logged In User > Blocked is false, link them to the “Create Post” screen. If Blocked is true, DON"T link them to the “Create Post” Screen. (link them to a screen that says they are blocked.
Blocking Users By Visibilty Conditions
This text will show when the Logged In User is TRUE.
Blocking Users By List Filtering
This list will ONLY show if the user Blocked > is false.
How to Block Users
First, you update the user.
Then, you update the “Blocked?” true/false property to TRUE.
I could be wrong, but when its a user/user relationship the only way to add multiple users to that field is a many/many relationship, which ive tried and doesnt work our right.
Let me ask you this. Using this method, how would you filter a list of users so that you cannot see any of the users that have you blocked or that you have blocked.
I think I got it… When I blocked the user i was only updating the logged in user, with the user im blocking, I also need to update the current user’s “users blocking me”