Free App: Favorites & ID's

Questions about free users who don’t have to log in or create account.

  1. Will a favorite button in the app remember them?
  2. Is there a way to assign a free user without login an identifier?


Hi @KaleeG,

  1. No.
  2. No (if I understood you correctly).

You can’t identify users without giving them an identifier :slight_smile: . There is no way to set cookies manually in Adalo. So you can’t store the information about user visiting your webapp; and without storing such info you won’t be able to understand what user is it.

There was a workaround with Pragmaflow’s component before, but (a) it was quite cumbersome to implement and (b) I don’t think it’ll work today as the component is quite outdated.
There also is another workaround - to create a separate disconnected screen with the input, generate random number on Welcome screen (conditional generation, if that input is empty), and store the number in that input. In theory, this input should be never overwritten, so you can use stored ID from there to identify a user (and, for instance, create some data in the app and filter it using this ID).
However, the biggest issue is that such method isn’t supported and the input behaviour is undefined. E.g. something may change in Adalo and the input will be emptied at the start of the app → so all the logic will break.

In my opinion, the most feasible option for users without registration (if you need to store favourites and etc.) would be to create a “pseudouser” accounts, and convert them to real accounts when needed.


Thank you Victor for such a quick and COMPLETE response!

I think the only option I have is to ask users to create a non-personal account (meaning no personally identifying info) with just username and password. Hopefully that will satisfy Apple and give me what I need as well.

Warm regards,

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