I started to work on a chat function in my app yesterday, and today I saw that Adalo released Chat Box in the Marketplace. Have anyone tried it? And what are the benefits over creating your own (if there is any benefits)
I believe it was for SMS sending.
You can watch the video in the link provided.
Oops, I got mistaken with clicksend component.
So the Chat box has three key features (and a bonus feature).
First off, just to clarify, it is a chat bubble component so it replaces using a rectangle and text for a chat bubble.
Three Key features:
The box width will grow with the text so you won’t have the issue where you have a long text bubble with just the word “Hey”.
It has a built in format for reply messages as well, including image, text, reply message text.
It has a time stamp section on the bottom as well.
Bonus: You could use this component as a button component as well. In this case you could have a button with dynamic text and the button width will adjust to the text size
Sounds good. Do you know if there is any documentation to this? For example on how to set up the database?
Yeah, I have a cloneable template for the component. I’m setting up the site to make all the docs easier to access. Should be done by Tuesday. Until then, if you buy it, just send me a DM and I’ll send you a cloneable template.
Hi Michael,
Can you provide me the document for the configuration chatbot?