HELP: Setting up a QR code System to allow for updates on status of service

Hi there,

I have recently come across Adalo whilst browsing for ways to set-up a tracking/update system for myself and customers to scan and update their orders.

I currently work with another business as a drop off/collection location for my customers and would like to implement a QR code system where my customers can scan the QR to say it has been dropped off, i can then scan the QR to update the status as collected, scan again to inform the customer it has been dropped off and then a final scan to update the status to show the customer has collected.

Im not looking to have any purchases etc via the app, just a QR code scanning system which will function as mentioned above.

Is there any tips or information about setting this up as i cant find very much without the purchasing options etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for reading.

Kind regards,
Jamie - KIXbyJME

If you want it to be the same QR-code then you could have it saying the product name and SKU or something like that. Even better if the product has a unique identifier in the collection.

Then in the adalo app you create you would have a list of products that is filtered based on the Unique Identifier that the QR-code reads.

Then in the list you have the three buttons that update the status. I would have different invisability rules on it.

So when the customer scans the QR-code it only appears with a button that says “Mark as Received”

If however, your customer doesn’t have the adalo app it become a bit more tricky as you will be generating the QR code as a link to your PWA.

What is your plan for the customer scan the qr-code?

Thank you for you detailed response,

To put it simply, i am looking for a way to track all my clients and have evidence of the process for myself and any future potential customers. Preferably seperate dynamic codes for each client which have the ability to change/update the status of the service or 4 seperate codes(one for each stage: 1. Customer Drop off 2. Myself collecting 3. Myself dropping off 4. Customer collecting) which can be scannes by myself or the customer depending on which process the service is going through.

Im just struggling to find a way to set it up in a way which is easy to navigate for everyone

Will your clients be using the app that you’re creating in Adalo?

I think that would be the best way about it, although i would be trialling it via the free version beforehand so i dont think i would have the option for a published app to begin with

Unfortunatly, you will not be able to test the QR-code function without having the paid version of adalo.

This is because the camera component for scanning qr-codes only works if the app has been published at least to testflight.

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