I want to include a feature where a user can select from available dates and times. The issue is, when I use the time & date picker, the user is able to choose any time they want. Is there a way to make it so the user can only choose times in between 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM?
Yes, you need to add a collection of booking days and a collection of booking times. Add a many-to-one relationship between booking days and booking times (Booking days can have many booking times and booking times belong to 1 day).
Add a true/false to the booking times called “Booked” and a user relationship (one-to-many) with booking times (booking times can have 1 user, users can have many booking times).
You’ll need to set up a way to create the booking times for your admins and the way to select the available times for the regular users.
To speed up this process, I’ve created a template that I’m selling on the Templar Design Adalo template marketplace called “Book A Meeting” that you can purchase that features this exact functionality.
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