So I have been trying everything I can think of to fix this. I want to create a side menu that is always open on my webapp. I have a rectangle that I have put everything into. The problem I am having is that no matter what size I make the actual page or the rectangle, the rectangle is always shorter than the page. I want the rectangle to be the same size as the page.
Is it possible to do this? I attached a photo of what it is doing now.
No I’ve been trying that. I make the rectangle longer than the page and the page shorter so that they are the same size. But every time the rectangle stays shorter than the page. Its incredibly frustrating.
Just a thought, have you played with the fixed setting under edit styles? I’ve had to set to bottom in some instances to get things to display properly.
Yes. Whether I do top or bottom fixed, on the webapp it just makes the rectangle take up half of the screen width wise. And the length issue is still there.
I have literally tried everything I can think of. Im no coder though so I don’t know much about this sort of thing.