Hi everyone, I have a small problem that is blocking my works. I searched everywhere, watched videos but can’t find the answer. And after trying and trying the thousand ways, I give up and ask for help from you!
I have two collection:
- User (mail, name, etc…)
- Event (adress, date, time start, etc)
I created a relationship between the two.
in User --> Events you participate in
in Event --> Mail of user
Obviously by setting that more users can participate in more events, and more events can have more users.
Later, with the intention of creating a system of “Yes / No I participate in the event”, I created a button that according to the choice:
User yes partecipate --> Update logged user --> add Event you partecipate = + Rome (example) and add user mail to “Event --> Mail of user’s”
User no partecipare --> Update logged user --> Remove Event you partecipate = - Rome (example) and remove user mail to “Event --> Mail of user’s”
I remind everyone that:
User --> Event you partecipate AND Event --> Mail of user’s
are the field in relation between the two collections (User/Event)
It’s work. I would like, however, that when the user participates in the event, on the same page appears a message “Currently you participate in the event”
I created the writing and I was thinking of managing it with the visibility settings, and here we are at the problem.
I thought I’d handle it like this:
If the logged user’s email exists/or equal in “Event --> Mail of user’s” it means that the user participates in the event and therefore it is necessary to show the writing.
BUT NO! when I select “Logged in user mail” equal etc…I can’t select the relationship field “Event --> Mail of user’s” and I’m shown endless submenus that take me nowhere.
How can I create a report to show / hide the writing, based on a user attending an event or not?
Where am I wrong?
I also tried the opposite. (Events -> participant email contains user email) and…nothig.
this in infinte submenu
this in Event collection (last field “Usermail” is the relationship with user collection)
Thanks so much to all…cheers