How can I distinguish the movement to the transition destination depending on whether the user is logged in or not?


The specifications are such that the app can be viewed without the user logging in.
However, I want to allow only registered / logged-in users to register favorites and edit profiles.
In my case, I want to change the page transition destination depending on whether I am logged in or not. What should I do after “When does this happen?” :arrow_right: “Sometimes …”?

Hi @YoshiNishitokyo,

To achieve this you can use 2 conditional actions with different transition animations: one action will happen if Logged-In User → Email is NOT EQUAL to empty (for logged-in users), and the other one will happen if Logged-In User → Email is EQUAL to empty (for guests).

Hope this helps!


In addition: you can direct user to “Signup/Login” screen, when they try to add a favourite / edit profile, by adding same conditional action.

Best regards, Victor.

Hi, I tried as you said. But I couldn’t be realized.

Some commented that other forums couldn’t do what you said.

A user who has not registered as a user is not logged in.
So I don’t think the Logged in User> workflow will work.

Hey there,

The workaround that Victor described above (conditions) worked for me :slight_smile: Just need to set actions depending if the user is/not logged in and move them to relevant screens :slight_smile:


Can you share me the screenshot about that?

Hi @YoshiNishitokyo,

Please see the video with some explanations here: Adalo hints: conditional actions for logged in and anonymous users - YouTube

Best regards, VIctor.

Ohh, Now I got it!

I seriously typed “Empty”

Sincerely thank. Thank you very much.
I look forward to working with you.


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