Goal: Display notifications and advertisements to users based on their role.
In the administrator role, I have a form called “Publicidad” where I add the title and image of the advertisement. There is another field called “Canall”. I found the “Dropdown Multiselect” component which is the closest to what I need. In the form, I want to be able to choose which role I want the advertisement to appear for on their dashboard, whether it be one-to-one, one-to-many, or all.**
I have done multiple tests, but nothing seems to work for me. I have created a many-to-many relationship between “Canal” and “Publicidad”, and even created a collection where I have or identify these two foreign keys. Let’s say there is a front-end for this when editing directly in the collections, but not in the form, which prevents me from editing or creating.
i cant to add the form the foreing keys
It also doesn’t take the name of the component when I want to link it to the “Submit” button. Is there any idea on how I can do this in a simpler way or if there is a solution?**