How do I uninstall component I installed from Marketplace?

I installed the calendar component from the Adalo Marketplace, but I no longer want it. I’m going to create my own calendar, which I will also call “calendar”, and I don’t want any conflict between the two.

So how do I uninstall the Marketplace one? The uninstall function doesn’t seem to exist.

The easiest solution is to email support. They can do it for you. As you are planning on creating your own component I am going to assume you a little about technology. The steps to do it yourself are:

  1. Find the id for the component
  2. Find your session id
  3. Remove the component from the your backend marketplace
  4. Remove the component from your component registry

I will send you a direct message with further instructions, just posting a reply here to let others know.

For others, contact support!

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I found this on Adalo Docs

To uninstall a component from your account, just click the “installed” button in the marketplace.

Thank you

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