How to create a video tinder like app swiping video content?

Please help to understand how to build a tinder clone app with video content, not pictures only. I’m new to Adalo, but I love it. And thank you for so many valuable resources!

So the main home screen has a Custome List with a name, user picture, Youtube video, Swipe left (Dislike), Swipe right (Like).

I have created a custom list out of those objects, youtube/name/picture connected to the user database. It all works except for when I click the Like or Dislike it doesn’t change the screens. I set action rules and filters, autorefresh, and refresh screen. It seems I’m missing something small, but I don’t get it.

The List connects to users.
Custom filter: Email - Is not equal to - Logged in User.
Current user>SeenBy - Doesn’t contain - Loggedin User
Current user>MyLikeList - Doesn’t contain - Loggedin User
Maximum number of items = 1

The button Dislike

  1. Action Update - Logged in User - MyDisLikeList - Add Current User
  2. Action Update - Current User - MyDisLikeList - Add Logged in User
  3. Action Update - Current User - SeenBy - Add Logged in User

The button Like

  1. Action Update - Logged in User - MyLikeList - Add Current User
  2. Action Update - Current User - LikedMe - Add Logged in User
  3. Action Update - Current User - SeenBy - Add Logged in User
  4. Create - Collection “Match” - MatchProf1 Logged in User > User Name, and MatchProf1 Current User > User Name, Matched User profile - Current User,
    Sometimes, if the Current User, contains, Logged in User

Additionally, I tried deck swiper, but it seems there is no way to add video instead of pictures there.

Thank you so much for your help!

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Great job on setting up what seems to be a good database structure! Putting aside the visual part for a second, are you finding that everything sorts itself out inside the database from a functional standpoint? Like when you hit the like button, is the database populating exactly how you want it to based on the actions that you are setting?

I usually prefer a simple true/false option. Like maybe you could do a true/false seen by. True/falses seem to populate more efficiently and quickly if they are able to be implemented.

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Thank you! Yes, all the filters and functions seem to work well and populate the right data in the database as I planned, but it’s not switching the videos :frowning:

I checked a 100 times. I’ll also try true/false as you recommended, maybe it could help

great idea!

You mean the same user displayed? Is it possible to show your setup, database and the preview from a video?

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I will try to record. Thank you for trying to help

Hi @Danil ,

You might gain more knowledge by watching this video from @theadaloguy ,

and check this thread,

You can replace deck swiper with custom list, well actually custom list can replace lots of things.


@Yongki Thank you! I did, great video, but it is not relevant as deck swiper doesn’t work with video. only pictures :frowning:

I made replacement using custom list and custom list can contain most of the components including video.

Thank you, yes I did the custom list right in the beginning, but I cannot figure out why it’s not working, I shared the details above.

Follow the video and apply it into custom list.

Here is what it looks like in my case,


Danil, the problem that you are facing is the user is not changing?

thank you, I will. where can I find the video? The previous one you’ve sent me was about the deck swiper component, so I guess not that one.

Dilon, that is correct

Is it possible to share this app as clonable or give access for this email? ( Click the gear icon on the left side > app access section > add this email : )

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They work the same, it is a replacement, so that video should be enough.

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Thank you Dilon, I’ve sent you the access. Please see your email.

thank you, Yongki, I’ll try

You were right, it worked! Thank you so much!

@Yongki @dilon_perera @iGotDinero @mrentrekin Guys, thank you all for your help. I felt so frustrated but now I keep moving on!

Could you all please have a look at my second question related to this one? I’d appreciate your guidance. Vertical Video recording - How would I let a User to create it

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