How to display the uploaded file in file picker

Hello, I am new to Adalo.
In the ‘Upload Files’ tab, i want users to upload their own files. And in ‘View Files’ Tab, i want them to see their own and other users’ uploaded files. How can I do this? Please help, our school deadline will be a few hours from now:(

I sincerely apologize for the late reply! I understand this deadline is crucial, so let’s jump right in.

While Adalo doesn’t natively display uploaded files within the app, you can achieve a “View Files” functionality with a little trick. Here’s how:

  1. List of Files: In your “View Files” tab, drag and drop a List component. Connect this list to the collection containing your uploaded files.
  2. Display File Names: Within the list item, use Magic Text to display the file name dynamically. You can achieve this by referencing the following: Current [Collection Name] > [File Property Name] > Name (replace [Collection Name] and [File Property Name] with your actual names).
  3. Click Action & External Link: Most importantly, set a click action for each list item. Choose “Website” and utilize Magic Text again to construct the file’s URL for external viewing. Here’s the magic text for the URL: Current [Collection Name] > [File Property Name] > URL.

This way, users will see a list of uploaded files. Clicking a file name will then open the uploaded file in an external browser or app that can handle the file type.

Remember, this approach displays the file externally, not within the Adalo app itself.

Hopefully, this helps you meet your deadline! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions.

Thank you! However, I run into another problem, when I create an action, the File property (where my files are recorded) is not appearing, also I don’t know how to generate the URL.

@terminaious thanks in advance for your reply

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