How to reduce costs of location services within app

Hi There,

Is there a way to reduce the amount of google api requests or integrate another location service like Open Street Maps (OSM)

I was having a similar issue as I needed to map the home locations of my users. Since people dont move homes often, I get the location only once, then write the Address, Lat, Long to User collection. So if i have 1000 users. I only need that many google calls.

If your app needs real time user location, then your google API calls will start to stack up. The free tier offers like 28,000 calls per month. Many people in this forum use the free tier with no problems of any extra charge.

Hi Edu,

The issue is I am expecting this app to grow larger and Google fees are very expensive. The apps premise is it pays users to workout by checking there location against the gym and if they’re close they can start their workout. Google location fees are extremely high though after the first 28,000 so I wanted to know whether anyone has integrated another maps system which has cheaper api requests


Or can you offer advice to how do you lower it.


Hi @Eddie11255,

Just my 2 cents - you may try to revive Pragmaflow’s location component, it’s should not be using Google API and just returns the lat/lng. However I’m not sure if it’s possible or not. Maybe @James_App_Maker could advise.


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Thanks @Victor

Would pragmaflows component track location and allow it to be compared to another location. If so I’ll have to look into further and maybe pay a developer to integrate into my adalo.


Hi @Eddie11255,

Here is the component GitHub - pragmaflowinc/adalo-geolocation. I’ve never tested it personally so can’t say how it works in detail :slight_smile:


Thanks, I’ll have a play