How to sent Pragmaflow gps coordinates to the Adalo map component

I’m currently using the geolocation plug-in from pragmaflow which is great but if I want to show more than one location on the map how do I do it. In the forum there’s a way to show One location and I’m at which I’ve used for some of my app but I need to show multiple locations on a map. Can anyone help me


So let me reply to you with an example:

Let’s say there are restaurants in your app and you want the restaurants to be displayed on a map. What you need to do is the following:

Have 2 new properties in the restaurants collection:

  • Latitude
  • Longitude

Add the map component and choose multiple markers, and make it list of restaurants and go to the magic text where you choose the location and add the following using magic text:


And that’s it

Thanks for the help!

I have a couple questions one when you set up the database field is it supposed to be set up as a number field or text field for the GPS coordinates?

I also did try what you said but it’s not working for me and I can’t seem to get the current location to work either. I’m using a progressive web app in one instance and a second app which is a native app. Any thoughts

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