I am looking for a solution to send push notifications, to iOS users of my application, through “FireBase”.
It works fine for Android users, after setting everything up correctly. However, I don’t see how to send the “GoogleService-Info.plist” file for iOS. Nor how to link FireBase to the Apple level application.
On the forum I see several topics around this problem, but no solution to resolve it.
I need it to go through FireBase to get information, metrics and send notifications to all users at the same time.
The easiest way to send notifications to all users by far is to build a little admin section of your app and some inputs for you to set the title and body of the notification and send it to all users. This will allow it to go to iOS and Android users simultaneously. Be sure to filter out yourself from All Users though because you can’t send notifications to yourself, even if logged in on another device.