I want to solve the problem that the text remains even if I send a message (post).
After sending the message, the characters remain in the Input Value and must be manually deleted when sending the message again.
Please tell me how to automatically erase the characters after sending a message.
You can add a “Change Input Value” action after the Create Message action to reset the field back to empty.
When I add the “Change Input Value” action after the “Compose Message” action, the message still remains. What should I do?
Will it remain in the preview?
Should I build it and check it with the app?
Please tell me.
When I add the “Change Input Value” action after the Create Message action, build it, and check it with apple’s testflight, the message still remains. What should I do?
Can you also check that the update actions before that are not trying to update empty properties as well?
I’m not trying to update! It is in the state of “No Change”. I tried changing the order of Click Actions just in case, but it didn’t work. Is there any other way?
A workaround to this current issue is instead of leaving Input Value “empty” just hit the space bar once. Does the job until this problem is corrected.
Hi @pford
This bug began happening last week and we were told that Adalo was working on a fix.
Text input values don’t change after a message is sent (nor after any record is created with it) and the change input value to empty doesn’t work as well.
I understand! thank you. Can you notify me as soon as it is fixed?
Thanks @afonso. @yuya I looked into this and submitted a reduced test case to our dev team to look at it with higher priority. Sorry about the confusion!
EDIT: The fix is in testing currently.
Hey Everyone,
The fix for this was released today
Please submit a ticket to our team if you see anymore instances of this happening!
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