greetings community!
ive been working on implementing a subscription/ membership service into my app and am currently having some trouble. i tried using the random number generator in the component marketplace and i have given each user/new user their own unique code. i created a relationship between users and subscriptions in my collections and i thought i would be able to then allow the logged in user to click on a “subscribe” button on the current users profile that would lead to a payment page for buying the one month subscription to the current users profile. (will be using stripe subscription component from the marketplace for the payment portion) for know i have just been using the stripe subscription screen as just a button and ive been trying to use the buttons “actions” as the way to give the logged in user access to the current users subscription page.
in my head i feel like i should be able to use the logged in users unique code and the current users unique code as its own unique code that gets generated when the logged in users hits the subscribe button. then using that new code (currentuseruniquecode/loggedinuseruniquecode) as the subscription unique code that allows access to the current users subscription profile.
hopefully this explains where/how im stuck.