๐Ÿ’ Introducing Long-Press Features - New Component from NoCode Monkey

Hey Everyone,

We have 2 new components from NoCode Monkey to introduce.:partying_face:

  • Image Component with Long-Press Feature

  • Rectangle Component with Long-Press Feature

You can now have to types of actions. Click for one action. Click and hold for another. They even work in lists.
(Cool tip: You can make the Rectangle component transparent and place it over anything to give it the Long-Press feature as well, even list items.)

Try the Demo

Copy of Copy of Untitled (6)


This is so cool! I have several questions, apologies if they sound basic:

  • if I purchase this component once, can I use it across all my apps?
  • will this work if my database is set up with an external database?
  • can I set the duration of the long-press?
  • can I make a menu pop up with a long press?
  • if I use this in a PWA, can I set right-click actions?
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Thanks for the questions @AddyEdwin

  • You can use the components across all apps that are under the same Team Name (you can find this in your settings)

  • Database doesnโ€™t matter. It will work the same way the regular image component/rectangle component works in regards to that.

  • There currently is no way to set the duration. Although this is an interesting improvement point. Iโ€™ll keep this in mind if/when we do upgrades in the future.

  • The long press is just an action. You can do anything that you can do with other actions. So the answer is yes.

  • No, you canโ€™t set right click actions.

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It is able to save image from a webview?