Hi everybody,
I have an event app and need to hide the join button if full, I have this in a group because I have other conditions e.g. expired, cancelled.
0= unrestricted anything above then the event is restricted to that amount.
sometimes visible if
current event - user participating - count
is between
current event - users participating
Unfortunately this doesn’t work, it does work as long as it’s greater than 0, any known workarounds?
Hi @M4cH4mish ,
Rather than using between, it is better to use greater than or less than.
Maybe but I can’t see how, with the logic I have it’s not possible, I guess I have to re-think.
The problem is that 0 = no restriction (if you don’t enter anything it’s 0)
If I use less than then nobody can join if it’s 0
Any ideas? Different solution for the problem?
I guess I can just change the default value to a higher number and always have a restriction, that would work
just not as clean.
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You could add a boolean field as additional rule.
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